Variable orifice bronze double regulating valve
Diameters from DN015 - 1/2" to DN050 - 2"
Threaded F/F (ISO 228/1)
Design according to BS7350
Tolerance on nominal Kv ±5%
(completely open, test according to BS7350)
Available in the following versions:
● Fig. 9500, with plugged threaded drains (¼" ISO 7/1Rp)
(allow later mounting of test points)
● Fig. 9505, with test points
● Fig. 9506, with test points (high pressure TP with drain)
Gost compliant
PN25 (Max 25 bar up to 100°C, max 20 bar at 130°C)
Working conditions:
● Water: -10°C to +130°C
below 0°C only for water with added antifreeze fluids
over 100°C only for water with added anti-boiling fluids