Variable orifice cast iron double regulating valve Fig. 9555P
Flanged PN16 according to EN1092-2 (ex DIN2533)Lengths according to EN558-1 series 1 (ex DIN3202 F1)
Alkyd/acrylic single layer waterpaint coating (50-100μm)
Stainless steel wafer metering station Fig. 9450
For EN1092 PN16 flanges
Tolerance on nominal Kv ±5%
(completely open valve, test according to BS7350)
Diameters from DN065 - 2 1/2" to DN300 - 12"
Gost compliant
Working conditions:
● Water: -10°C to +120°
below 0°C only for water with added antifreeze fluids
over 100°C only for water with added anti-boiling fluids